Wednesday, 10 July 2013

RMT: Open, Transparent And Member Led: A Driver's Charter.

The RMT have been working on a charter for all taxi drivers members.
The document being put together is a work in progress and as such is not yet policy.
You can have your say as to the final draft of the document before it is presented to unity house for ratification. 

As this work is quite substantial it has been decided to serialise over the next few days. 
Please take the time to read carefully and use the comment facility to discuss.

Remember, it hasn't been approved by HQ, but it does describe how we have different views from other trade orgs on many of the LC proposals.



This Charter describes the RMT's position on many of the issues that are affecting licensed taxi drivers and explains how our members are campaigning to improve your working conditions. It also explains the benefits of belonging to our union and provides information about how you can join.

Licensed taxis are subject to a strict licensing regime that regulates both you and your vehicle. The RMT recognise the crucial role that these regulations have played in protecting your customers and we assert that these high standards should be maintained.

However, despite your undoubted contribution to public safety, many local authorities have allowed the roles of the licensed taxi and private hire trades to become blurred. These policies and lack of enforcement of taxi and private hire legislation has allowed vehicles, other than licensed taxis, to “ply for hire”. Indeed, in some areas, ph companies actually hold the monopoly to “ply for hire” at many venues where they are allowed to interview and cherry-pick customers.

The RMT strongly believe that plying for hire is the privilege in return for which you accept the restrictions imposed upon it in the public interest. As such, we maintain that the authorities should recognise the different working practices of the taxi and private hire trades and take robust action against those who do not.

All parties recognise the danger that illegally plying for hire and touting pose to public safety. We are therefore campaigning for a number of changes to legislation that will help define the boundary between our working practices and those of the private hire trade. We believe the following changes would simplify enforcement by helping to identify unlicensed drivers and those acting outside the terms of their licence.

Recognition of solicitation as the defining action between the offences of illegally plying for hire and touting for hire.
We assert that a vehicle that is inviting custom by being visible and available for immediate use is “plying for hire”. If the driver of that vehicle then invites a potential customer to engage it, then the separate offence of touting has been committed.

All ph operators to have a system to capture and provide proof of a booking.
If enforced, this simple solution would deny clip board Johnnies the opportunity to interview and cherry pick customers that would have otherwise chosen to travel by licensed taxi.

Taxis and private hire vehicles should be distinct and easily identifiable.
We have campaigned for all newly licensed taxis to be the same colour whilst all
newly licensed private hire vehicles should be an identical colour but different to taxis. Our members also believe that permanent “no booking, no ride” door vinyls should be mandatory for private hire vehicles and that roof lights should be restricted for use by licensed taxis only.

The RMT is concerned about a recent legal case which could have a damaging effect on enforcement. The High Court has recently produced a landmark decision confirming that it is unlawful for a local authority to charge lawful licensees for the cost of enforcement against unlicensed operators. We are working to confirm the source of funding for action against unlicensed drivers.

The taxi trade, and in particular, your hard earned right to ply for hire is being undermined. The time has come to fight back with the strength and experience of the RMT, a member led, specialist transport union.

Services & Benefits

Our members have access to a variety of services that protect and promote your interests in the workplace. There are also a number of benefits included with your membership.


Member Led Union

RMT members determine policy at Branch meetings, this gives you the chance to have your say and influence your Branch's policy.


Branch members can request advice on how to challenge Penalty Charge Notices issued by local authorities.

Where Branch members are requested to reply to complaints made against them by members of the public to a local authority, then they may seek the assistance of a Branch representative in correspondence. Where driver attendance at a personal hearing is requested by the licensing authority, then a member may ask to be accompanied by a Branch officer

If a Branch member is arrested at work (or driving a taxi to or from work) the RMT Legal Helpline can arrange for a solicitor to be available.

Legal Services

Free legal services from Thompsons Solicitors.
Members are eligible for legal representation in personal injury claims, employment tribunals and criminal law.
For full details contact RMT Legal Services 0800 587 7516 or visit


Fines Pool

RMT taxi drivers can join the union's Fines Pool for £5 per year. The fines pool reimburses members for any speeding fines, related court costs and lost time to attend court hearings.

The Fines Pool will also pay for speed awareness courses where a member opts out of a Court appearance and has not agreed to a caution.

Contact your branch for details.

Financial Protection

The RMT can help you protect the things that matter most, we can cover :-

The Unexpected like serious accidents. Up to £100,000 cover for less than £2 per week. Cover for partners and children.

Your Life. A cash lump sum in the event of your death.

Your Wages. Cash coming in if you are off work due to illness, accident or injury.

50+ Accident Insurance Pays up to £6000 for a wide range of injuries. Designed to cover the costs of treatment, taxis, help around the house and even a holiday to recuperate.

Free £2500 personal accident and accidental death cover.

For further information visit or call 0845 026 1101.

Credit Union

Our not-for-profit Credit Union is run by RMT members for RMT members. Members can save and apply for low interest loans.

For further information about these benefits contact your rep or RMT Head Office on freephone 0800 376 3706

Part 2 soon.

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